Food for Life–The Power of Food for Cancer Prevention and Survival (a 5-week program)

Tuesdays, February 27-April 2 • 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Please commit to all five sessions.
RSVP for LIVE Session or Register for ZOOM
Caryn Dugan, certified Food for Life Instructor, combines education and cooking instruction in this class based on information from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Learn how food choices impact cancer and how to reduce your risk of developing cancer or recurrence. You will learn to make dishes loaded with immune boosting ingredients and foods to help your body rid itself of toxins. All in-person participants will receive a copy of The Cancer Survivors Guide that includes 130 recipes.
Class One: Intro to How Foods Fight Cancer
Class Two: Fuel Up on Low Fat Foods and Favoring Fiber
Class Three: Discovering Dairy Alternatives
Class Four: Replacing Meat
Class Five: Cancer-Fighting Compounds And
Immune-Boosting Foods