OMG! This is so cool! I'm really pretty honored to bee a contributor in this bundle! It's my first on and I've been having a great time!
90 plant-based experts who you know, love, and trust have collaborated to create a WFPB weight loss bundle. If you add up the entire collection it would come to over $4,600.00 retail, but somehow we are able to get 112 products to to market for only $49!! Nuts!
You know the names:
Nutmeg Notebook
Brittany Jaroudi
Well Elephant
The Whole Foods Plant-based Cooking Show
Dr. Neal Barnard / PCRM
Mastering Diabetes
Well Your World
Dr. McDougall
Kathy Hester
Dreena Burton
The list goes on and on and ON!
My contribution is the newly updated Top 10 Plant-based Kitchen Basics Course. I have re-recorded the video to include bonus content and along with that you get a BEAUTIFUL full-color 26-page PDF bursting with links to keep you motivated, inspired and continually educated. It is a MUST-HAVE to keep on your devices. This alone retails for $75!
Get all 112 Vegan eBooks, eCourses, workouts, presentations, and cooking classes from plant-based Doctors, chefs & creators all focusing on low-fat plant-based weight loss!
-Learn from some top plant-based doctors like Dr. McDougall, Dr. Vanessa Mendez, Dr. Esser, and more!
- Cook right alongside with many plant-based chefs
-Enjoy time-sensitive LIVE presentations
-Countless recipes to help you lose weight and choose healthy options safely without restrictions
-Completely oil-free!
-Detox your home, build healthy relationships with food, and more unique contributions!
-Workouts and Fitness classes included!
These are tools and resources that you will use for years! Whether you are just dipping your toes into this lifestyle, or you have been enjoying a plant-based lifestyle for years, the incredible array of resources will fit your needs at different times. This bundle really does grow with you and it will continue to serve you for many years to come!