The St. Louis Home and Garden Show

This year I was graciously invited to co-headline St. Louis Home and Garden Show. Think about it, plant-based (vegan) cook putting on demonstrations at a home show...? It's an unlikely pairing, but it worked out beautifully.
My co-host, the resounding organic gardening expert herself, Shawna Coronado (you must look her up!), is a seasoned speaker and in fact travels the world to help others begin their journey to making their own corner of the world beautiful with flowers and healthy with growing vegetables. Her smile and attitude are infectious and I'm proud to call her a friend.
The show was a four day run and I gave 11 presentations. Although I was absolutely beat at the end, I walked away realizing that this is an untapped market for those who are walking around with diabetes, heart disease or an abundance of other chronic illnesses that can quite honestly be reversed through diet. I wasn't selling anything and I didn't want to, that's not what STLVegGirl is about; I'm here to educate, to give you options.
Sure, I love teaching, being with like minded heads, but completely stepping out of the health & wellness box to present a topic so simple, so powerful I believe was a shift in the right direction.
Many arrived at the Home Show to check out the newest and greatest grilling systems, hot tub, patio furniture, home entertainment, even cars - they didn't think some girl would be up there slinging plants and talking disease reversal. However, once many found out WHY I was there and that they could relate to suffering from an ailment, we got to talking. I used a lot of my resources from the Plantrician Project, Forks Over Knives and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine to help other to understand the how's and why's plants can reverse their sickness. And, so many were sick.
Moving forward, if your industry has a gathering, a trade show or any type of large event where you'd like a presentation and a cooking demo, please feel free to contact me. Caryn (at)
It doesn't matter how far removed you and your business/industry may be from health and wellness - there's one thing that ties us all together, if we don't eat well, we become ill. I'm happy to help.
Overhead video projection for the kitchen demos
Obligatory show selfie (checkout the excitable guy in the back!)
Shawna and me - your show presenters!