In three separate blog posts, complete with recipes, links to research studies, and television segments to boot, below are links on how easily get enough protein (promise!), iron and calcium on your plant-based diet.
The protein you get when you consume animal-based foods, like steak or chicken, ultimately comes from the plants those animals ate.
Ideally, you should get your calcium the same place that cows get their calcium; from plants (actually, it comes from the dirt the plants grew in)!
By simply combining foods with vitamin C to foods that have iron, we have super absorption!
You’re getting all the nutrients in this buffalo Chickpea Salad!
The chickpea salad sandwich (who am I kidding, I usually just grab a spoon and eat from the bowl) is a summertime staple in my fridge. Perfect to take to picnics, parties, quick lunches, etc... This buffalo version is new and it definitely kicks up the traditional one a notch!
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